
2 min readSep 29, 2021

2021 Jun. 23 am11:38

To do this practice, I read a lot of articals and I found some tips may be useful for me.

ONE / Put all my items into 3 boxes:

1. 捨棄的
1. To give up box:
Actually I create an instagram account to list all this stuff. I tried to record the item and the relationship between me and the item. But I gave up, cause I found that cost me too much time and it turned out I am not an emotional person. XD

2. 想留下的:
2. Want to keep box:
Check why I want to keep it, and if it’s because I like it then reconfirm whether I still like it every time I organize my staff. If it is because of some memories, then see if this is the only way to cherish the memories, and whether I really cherish these memories.

3. 留下的:
3. To keep box:
List all the staff I “need” to keep, and try to write down why I need it.
Write down the “wish list” at the same time. For me, there are: bicycle/Diving equipment.

TWO / The things can directly go to the garbage can.

  1. 壞掉的東西:手錶、電池
    Broken item: watch, battery.
  2. 過期的東西:化妝品、coupon
    Expired stuff: make up, coupon.
  3. 沒有得搭配的衣物
    No matching clothes.
  4. 我想留下,但數量龐大,縮減。->衣服、娃娃、書
    The stuff I want to keep but too many->cut down->Clothes, doll, books.
  5. 太多的銀行帳戶
    Too many bank accounts.
  6. 無用的社群足跡
    Useless social media record.

THREE / Five questions ask myself to check whether I need the stuff or not.

  1. 如果有人願意買,你就願意賣的話,表示你不需要。
    If someone is willing to buy, you are willing to sell, it means you don’t need it.
  2. 假設你現在沒有,下次看到是否會買回來?
    Assuming you don’t have one now, will you buy it next time you see it?
  3. 如果現在有人要跟你借,而且借一陣子也OK的話,那就不是很需要。
    If someone wants to borrow from you now, and it’s OK to borrow for a while, then it’s not very necessary.
  4. 如果你懶得清潔和維護,不太重要。
    If you are too lazy to keep it clean and good, then you do not need it.
  5. 不會想推薦給親朋好友的物品。
    Items that I don’t want to recommend to friends and family.

